Leasing Service is only for Fasialabad and Lahore.
Leasing Amount Should equal to or above 10,000/PKR Only.
Verification within 24 Hours
Product delivery is after verification
FancyMart.pk reserves the rights to approve or disapprove application(with valid reason)
We will never charge any extra amount to apply for installment Plan
If the person has own house only post dated chq required
Post dated chq required of Total Amount
Lease Can be planned from 3 months to 8 months
For Example
example: 3 months = 20%, amount to be lease is 100,00 x 20% = 2000 Total Amount in 3 Months = Rs 12,000 and installment will be=Rs 4,000
example: 6 months = 30%, amount to be lease is 100,00 x 30% = 3000 Total Amount in 6 Months = Rs 13,000 and installment will be=Rs 2,166
example: 8 months = 35%, amount to be lease is 100,00 x 35% = 3500 Total Amount in 8 Months = Rs 13,500 and installment will be=Rs 1,687